加密文件夹文件files | 企业管理 2022-09-12 104 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

([E-Drill Encryption] is specially customized for users who have a lot of personal privacy and business secrets. Can encrypt arbitrary files or folders. Choose a variety of encryption methods to make your files have diamond-like hardness. Impeccable!? You can directly encrypt files or folders, and choose mobile encrypted files or folders without relying on [ E-Drill Encryption] can be performed independently; when running, just enter the exact password and press Enter to decrypt it! The main data can be encrypted in this way and then sent to your distant partner through the network)


上一篇:Md5Checker v3.2.4