theUninstall卸载system | 程序非源代码 2021-08-21 848 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
Total Uninstall被成为最受欢迎的卸载程序,能帮你监视软件安装的所有过程,记录下它对系统所做的任何改变,比如:添加的文件、对注册表和系统文件的修改,并制作成安装前和安装后的快照。卸载软件时,不需要使用卸载程序,直接通过该软件便可将其完全地清除出系统,不留下任何痕迹。从而保证了系统的清洁。

(Total Uninstall has become the most popular uninstall program, which can help you monitor all the process of software installation, record any changes it makes to the system, such as: added files, modifications to the registry and system files, and make it into Snapshots before and after installation. When uninstalling the software, there is no need to use an uninstaller, and it can be completely removed from the system directly through the software without leaving any traces. Thereby ensuring the cleanliness of the system.)


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