(Network management software SUNNETMANAGER. SunNetManager provides powerful and easy-to-use network management user tools and added management service software. It provides a comprehensive environment for integrated network management. It is built on a protocol-independent structure and supports TCP/IP and ONCRPC, etc. Open Industry Specifications. Compared with other management methods, this structure has important technical advantages: ?Provide a target-oriented graphical user interface and open an intuitive graphical display of network topology. ?Automated fault isolation, diagnosis and monitoring and other applications. Configuration, trend analysis and reporting for topology maps. ?Provide API interface solutions, there are development kits of Agent and ProxyAgent, users can program and expand it. Analyze resource capabilities? Identify and solve problems? Simplify and automate management commands? Provide an integrated, powerful toolset? Manage multi-model networks using a distributed architecture? Lots of 3rd party management usage? Provides worldwide support? Easy to install, configure and operate