themd5哈希verification | 教育系统应用 2022-09-12 157 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(??Hash is a compact and easy-to-use hash calculator, as well as a md5 verification tool. Support file drag and drop, very fast, can calculate the value of MD5, SHA1, CRC32 of the file. ??Hashmd5 verification tool is often used on forums and software releases. It is a verification system designed to ensure the correctness of files and prevent some people from stealing programs, adding some Trojans or tampering with copyrights. Each file can use the HashMD5 verification program to calculate a fixed MD5 code. Software authors often calculate the MD5 code of his program in advance and post it on the Internet. Therefore, when you see a clear MD5 code next to the download of a program on the Internet, you can write it down. After downloading the program, use the Hash verification program to calculate the MD5 code of the file you downloaded, and compare it with the MD5 code you wrote down before. , you will know whether you downloaded the original version. If the two are the same, then what you have downloaded is the original version. If the calculated one does not match what is indicated on the Internet, then the file you downloaded is incomplete, or someone else has manipulated it. ??The method of use is: open the Hashmd5 verification tool, drag the tool you downloaded into the Hash window, and it will automatically get the MD5 code of your file. If it is different from the MD5 code you downloaded, it means that you have been manipulated. , otherwise it means that there is no problem.
This document includes the following attachments:
Hash1.04 (md5 verification tool) hash calculator green free version.exe

