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(AngryIPScanner is an easy-to-use IP and port scanning tool. Using it, you can get the ping response time, host name, computer name, office group, login user name, MAC address, TTL, NetBios information, etc. of the scanned computer; you can also specify the scanning port to detect the status of the target computer opening the port . For mobile hosts, you can perform operations such as opening in the resource manager, reading with a page reader, FTP, telnet, ping, tracert, or using the page to find the geographic location of a specified IP. Just a URL or host name, AngryIPScanner can automatically resolve its IP address and scan. In addition, AngryIPScanner also supports automatic selection and scanning of the entire B-type and C-type IP segments, preservation and management of commonly used IPs, and export of scan results to various file formats. Because of the multi-threaded scanning, AngryIPScanner can scan dozens of IP suggestions at the same time, so it is extremely fast.)


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