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标题: 一日学 C++ 学以致用:通过实用的分步编程指南快速学习编码

您是否一直想学习计算机编程,但又担心对您来说太难了?或者您可能了解其他编程语言,但对快速学习 C++ 语言感兴趣?

您不再需要浪费金钱和时间来尝试从 600 页长的枯燥书籍、昂贵的在线课程或复杂的 C++ 教程中学习 C++,这些教程只会让您更加困惑和沮丧。

初学者的 C++
复杂的概念被分解为简单的步骤,以确保即使您以前从未编码过,也可以轻松掌握 C++ 语言。

精心挑选的 C++ 示例

主题经过精心挑选,可让您广泛接触 C++,同时又不会因信息过载而使您不知所措。这些主题包括面向对象的编程概念、错误处理技术、文件处理技术等等。这样您就可以随时了解 C++ 语言的最新进展。

快速学习 C++ 编程语言
概念以“直截了当”的风格呈现,以迎合忙碌的个人。您不再需要忍受枯燥冗长的 C++ 教科书,这些教科书只会让您入睡。有了这本书,您可以快速学习 C++ 并立即开始编码。

学习 C++ 的最好方法是实践。本书在书末包含一个独特的项目,需要应用之前教授的所有概念。完成该项目不仅会给您带来巨大的成就感,还会帮助您保留知识并掌握语言。

(Title: Learn C++ in One Day and Learn it Well: Learn Coding Fast With A Practical Step-by-Step Programming Guide

Have you always wanted to learn computer programming but are afraid it'll be too difficult for you? Or perhaps you know other programming languages but are interested in learning the C++ language fast?

This book is for you.
You no longer have to waste your money and time trying to learn C++ from boring books that are 600 pages long, expensive online courses or complicated C++ tutorials that just leave you more confused and frustrated.

What this book offers...
C++ for Beginners
Complex concepts are broken down into simple steps to ensure that you can easily master the C++ language even if you have never coded before.

Carefully Chosen C++ Examples
Examples are carefully chosen to illustrate all concepts. In addition, the output for all examples are provided immediately so you do not have to wait till you have access to your computer to test the examples.

Careful selection of topics
Topics are carefully selected to give you a broad exposure to C++, while not overwhelming you with information overload. These topics include object-oriented programming concepts, error handling techniques, file handling techniques and more. Such that you are always up to date with the latest advancement in the C++ language.

Learn The C++ Programming Language Fast
Concepts are presented in a "to-the-point" style to cater to the busy individual. You no longer have to endure boring and lengthy C++ textbooks that simply puts you to sleep. With this book, you can learn C++ fast and start coding immediately.

How is this book different...
The best way to learn C++ is by doing. This book includes a unique project at the end of the book that requires the application of all the concepts taught previously. Working through the project will not only give you an immense sense of achievement, it’ll also help you retain the knowledge and master the language.)


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