the防火墙Firewall木马 | 企业管理 2022-09-11 72 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(With the continuous development of the network, the general firewall is no longer as "invincible" as it was in the early years, and can block and block countless Trojans and viruses. The failure factor is very simple, mainly because of the birth of the rebound connection Trojan, making it a general firewall that only manages and controls network connections, becoming a virtual arrangement. The Comodo Firewallpro firewall is different. In addition to the traditional functions of a general firewall, it also provides automatic protection technology for software behavior, which is the HIPS function that everyone often hears. Trojan horses about rebound connections will be blocked by it. . In addition, it can prevent the operation of Trojan horse virus, making its malicious program become a "living dead" mummy.)

