(Every time the assembly code is copied, it will look like the following:
00007FF95FDF11E6 | CC | int3 |
00007FF95FDF11E7 | CC | int3 |
00007FF95FDF11E8 | CC | int3 |
00007FF95FDF11E9 | CC | int3 |
00007FF95FDF11EA | CC | int3 |
00007FF95FDF11EB | CC | int3 |
00007FF95FDF11EC | 48:895C24 10 | mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+10],rbx | rbx:PEB.InheritedAddressSpace
00007FF95FDF11F1 | 48:897424 18 | mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+18],rsi |
00007FF95FDF11F6 | 55 | push rbp |
00007FF95FDF11F7 | 57 | push rdi |
00007FF95FDF11F8 | 41:56 | push r14 | r14:"minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
I am very upset, and have to be replaced manually by a living person |
This patch is to solve this problem.