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intelligence人工智能artificial安全 | 其他 2021-08-15 435 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(As a strategic technology leading a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, artificial intelligence has become a key area for major countries in the world to seek dominance in a new round of national scientific and technological competition. With the implementation of the government’s strategic layout of artificial intelligence, the global artificial intelligence development is entering a new stage of continuous acceleration of technological innovation and continuous acceleration of integration and application expansion and deepening, profoundly changing the operation mode of national politics, economy, society, national defense and other fields. Production and life bring about earth-shaking changes.
Data is one of the three basic elements that drive the full rise of this round of artificial intelligence, and data security risks have become a key factor affecting the safe development of artificial intelligence. At the same time, the application of artificial intelligence also brings severe challenges to data security. How to deal with data security risks in artificial intelligence scenarios has increasingly become an important topic of international artificial intelligence governance. Some countries have taken the lead in exploring the prospective research and proactive prevention of artificial intelligence data security risks, and actively promote the application of artificial intelligence in the field of data security, and strive to achieve the benign interactive development of artificial intelligence and data security.
Starting from the connotation of artificial intelligence data security, this white paper proposes the architecture of artificial intelligence data security for the first time. Based on the systematic analysis of artificial intelligence data security risks and security applications, it summarizes the current situation of artificial intelligence data security governance at home and abroad, and researches and proposes Adopted my country's artificial intelligence data security governance recommendations.)


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