Linux我们Thisdocument | 企业管理 2022-09-10 87 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(This document is a local, step-by-step, example driver, rather than a detailed document documenting each Linux documentation feature. It doesn't go into the debugging aspect, since many Linux Documentation Project (LDP) HOWTOs already include this. This document is intended for a technical audience! This is a discussion on how to install everything necessary to be a RedHatLinux server for security and optimization for a high-performance Linux-specific machine. Now that we've talked about optimization and configuration options, we're going to use a source distribution (tar.gz) scheme most likely especially for major server software sources like Apache, bind, samba, Squid, OpenSSL, etc. that will allow us to quickly upgrade if necessary And to customize and optimize our detailed machines, we often don't have the same revs. We used a lot of freely available sources to write this document, and it seems to be the only work given back to the Linux community. Its focus is on Intel x86 hardware, so if you're waiting for PPC, ARM Enterprise, SPARC, APX, etc., you probably won't find what you're looking for. The minimal installation of this server requires you to compile the kernel from scratch and install the DNS server, other options are detailed based on your needs.)


下一篇:GNS3 搭建本地ASA 和分布式ASA 的资源文件