AndroidJavaapplication课程 | 其他书籍 2021-08-08 604 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
Android 初学者系列 - 恰到好处的 Java
WMV | WMV3 170kbps |英文 | 1024x768 | 15fps | 3 小时 21 分钟 | WMA2 立体声 128kbps | 399 MB
在本课程中,我们将学习如何使用 Java 和 Eclipse 创建一个真正的 Android 应用程序。本课程将同时教授 Java 和 Android。
想创建一个Android应用程序,但又不想先学习Java?也许您已经了解一些 Java,但您之前从未构建过完整的 Android 应用程序。无论哪种方式,本课程都能满足您的需求!在本课程中,您将在创建真正可用的 Android 应用程序的同时学习 Java 和 Android 的基础知识。本课程是关于开始 Android 开发的 4 部分系列中的第三门课程,但您无需观看其他课程即可了解这一课程。只要您具备一些基本的编程知识,您就应该能够学习本课程并使用 Java 和 Eclipse 构建您的第一个 Android 应用程序。在本课程中,我们将在学习和实践之间交替进行,因为我们着手为 Android 构建笔记应用程序。我们将首先介绍您需要了解的有关使用 Eclipse 使用 Java 开发 Android 应用程序的设置的所有知识。然后我们将逐步创建我们的 Note Taker 应用程序,在我们进行的过程中清楚地解释每个步骤并在此过程中介绍 Java 概念。如果您正在寻找一种在构建 Android 应用程序的同时学习 Java 的新的有趣方式,或者您只是想最大限度地利用时间,通过同时学习两个主题,本课程可能正是您所需要的。
你好世界25m 43s
Note Taker45m 31s
上市说明43m 39s
放在一起49m 4s
收尾37m 40s

(Android Beginner Series - Just Enough Java
WMV | WMV3 170kbps | English | 1024x768 | 15fps | 3h 21mins | WMA2 stereo 128kbps | 399 MB
Genre: Video Training
In this course we learn how to create a real Android application using Java and Eclipse. This course will teach you both Java and Android at the same time.
Want to create an Android application, but you don't want to learn Java first? Perhaps you already know some Java, but you've never build a complete Android application before. Either way, this course has you covered! In this course, you will learn the basics of Java and Android while you create a real working Android application. This course is the third course in a 4 part series on beginning Android development, but you don't need to watch the other courses to understand this one. As long as you have some basic programming knowledge, you should be able to follow along with this course and build your first Android application using Java and Eclipse. In this course we'll alternate between learning and doing as we set out to build a note taking application for Android. We'll start off covering everything you need to know about getting setup to develop an Android application in Java using Eclipse. Then we'll create our Note Taker application step by step, clearly explaining each step as we go and introducing Java concepts along the way. If you are looking for a new and fun way to learn Java while building an Android application, or you are just looking to maximize your time, by learning two topics at the same time, this course might be just what you are looking for.
Table of contents:
Hello World25m 43s
Note Taker45m 31s
Listing Notes43m 39s
Putting It Together49m 4s
Finishing Touches37m 40s)

