修复fixed文件罕见 | 程序非源代码 2021-08-02 605 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
* 更新了 v18.4 的用户手册和程序帮助。
* 在注册表查看器中搜索:改进了值数据中命中的显示。
* 修复了从损坏的 DBX 电子邮件存档中提取元数据时可能发生的罕见异常错误。
* 修复了在雕刻单个电子邮件消息(.eml 文件)时可能发生的罕见异常错误。
* 修复了雕刻 .dxf 文件时可能发生的罕见异常错误。
* 固定发件人和收件人过滤器处理原始 .eml 和其他单个邮件文件。 这些过滤器在 v18.2 和 v18.3 中不起作用。
* 修复了在 v18.3 中将先前存在的文件和目录包含到 Ext3/Ext4 卷的快照中的一些不一致问题。

(* User manual and program help were updated for v18.4.
* Search in the registry viewer: Improved display of hits in the data of values.
* A rare exception error was fixed that could occur when extracting metadata from corrupt DBX e-mail archives.
* A rare exception error was fixed that could occur when carving individual e-mail messages (.eml files).
* A rare exception error was fixed that could occur when carving .dxf files.
* Fixed sender and recipients filter for processed original .eml and other single-mail files. These filters did not work in v18.2 and v18.3.
* Some inconsistencies within the inclusion of previously existing files and directories into snapshots of Ext3/Ext4 volumes in v18.3 were fixed.)


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