访问security规则the | 家庭/个人应用 2022-09-07 78 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Abstract: As one of the core functions of firewalls, access control plays an important role in the use and management of network security. Reasonable and effective access rules are the control subjects that are deployed and authorized to appropriate computer users, and are very important to the security of enterprise computer networks. This article is related to the firewall software ISAServer2006, and uses six aspects such as 5W1H to deduce the use of access rules in network security management.
Keywords: ISAServer, access rules, network security
This article has been published in e-works,
For more details, please refer to the attachment!)


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