快照SysTracer注册表文件 | 程序非源代码 2021-07-25 621 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
SysTracer 是一个系统实用工具,可以分析您的计算机中是否有修改过的文件、文件夹、注册表项、启动应用程序和 Windows 服务。
SysTracer 的每次扫描都会生成您系统的概览图像,我们称之为快照的图像。
与您的文件、文件夹、注册表项、正在运行的进程、加载的 dll、启动应用程序和服务相关的信息存储在快照文件中以供以后分析。
SysTracer 会让您将它们保存在 HTML 文件中。现在,您可以在 .reg 文件(regedit 格式)中导出快照之间的注册表差异,以恢复不需要的注册表更改。记录快照的过程通常需要几分钟,具体取决于您的文件系统和注册表的复杂性。
快照比较非常快 - 几乎可以立即完成。

(SysTracer is a system utility tool that can analyze your computer for modified files, folders, registry entries, startup applications and windows services.
Each scan of SysTracer generates an overview image of your system, image that we call snapshot.
Information related to your files, folders, registry entries, running processes, loaded dlls, startup applications and services is stored in snapshot files for later analysis.
You can create as many snapshots you may want.
If you want to see the differences between your system status at two different moments in time simply compare the snapshots you made at these points.
You don`t need to worry about remembering the differences.
SysTracer will let you save them in a HTML file. Now you can export registry differences between snapshots in .reg files (regedit format) in order to revert undesirable registry changes. The process of recording snapshots takes usually a few minutes depending on your filesystem and registry complexity.
Snapshots comparison is very fast - it`s practically done in no time.
The user interface is so easy to use that you will don`t need more than a few minutes to figure out how you can use it.)


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