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本书属于内功心法的学习范畴,其中的案例涉及病毒实时检测、防火墙、入侵检测、数据保护还原、数据即时备份、数据加密、数据防止泄密、反WG等。推荐有 C 语言和汇编基础的朋 友进行学习。本书还细心的为每个章节准备好练习题,通过这些练习,你可以迅速地进行自我检 查并发现学习中的遗漏。
     最后需要说的是,本书并非只是将《天书夜读 2》和《寒江独钓 2》单纯的进行合并出版。 实质本书增加了不少新的知识,让读者从 X86 内核可以很好的过渡到时下流行的 X64 内核开发中。

(This book belongs to the learning category of the inner strength method, and the cases involve real-time virus detection, firewall, intrusion detection, data protection and restoration, instant data backup, data encryption, data leakage prevention, anti-WG, etc. Friends who have a basic knowledge of C language and assembly are recommended to learn. The book also carefully prepares exercises for each chapter. Through these exercises, you can quickly self-check and discover the omissions in the study.
      The last thing to say is that this book is not just a merging and publishing of "Tianshu Night Reading 2" and "Shanjiang Dudiao 2". In essence, this book adds a lot of new knowledge, allowing readers to transition from the X86 kernel to the popular X64 kernel development.)


下一篇:The Art of Memory Forensics--Wiley