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(4??Volume 4??Shading engineering test records (written in the order of building numbers)??Total 121 pages??1??07-01-C5-00107-01-C5-011??Communication network system (cable TV ) Pipe installation shade test record??1~11??2??07-01-C5-01207-01-C5-022??Communication network system (cable TV) cable laying shade test record??12~22? ?4??07-01-C5-03307-01-C5-044??Communication network system (public broadcasting) cable laying shadow test record??34~44??5??07-05-C5-00107- 05-C5-011?? Safety precaution system (video surveillance) bridge installation shade test record?? 45~55?? Five?? Volume 5?? Engineering installation quality and appearance quality test (written according to the order of building number)?? A total of 6 pages??1??01??Test record of installation quality and appearance quality of communication network system engineering??1??2??02??Test record of installation quality and appearance quality of security system engineering??2??3 ??03??Test record of installation quality and appearance quality of safety precaution system project??3??4??04??Test record of installation quality and appearance quality of safety precaution system project??4??)

