合集version版本The | 其他书籍 2021-07-18 496 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
本版本的特点,容量高达 122MB,收录精华文章达到 600 多篇,相比于上个版本 v2013.12,容量翻了不知道多少倍。因为收集跟制作这本合集得花费本人不少的时间和精力,有些都是在工作之余的时间赶制的,所以倾注了本人不少的心血才有了这本合集的诞生。这个是最终发布的版本,以后不会再有新版本发布。

(The feature of this version, the capacity is as high as 122MB, and it contains more than 600 essential articles. Compared with the previous version, v2013.12, the capacity has increased by many times. Because it took a lot of time and energy for me to collect and produce this collection, and some of them were rushed out of work, so I devoted a lot of effort to the birth of this collection. This is the final version, and no new version will be released in the future.)


上一篇:Reverse Engineering for Beginners-en