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(Advantages after digital TV transformation: 1. Money: Based on your own situation, you only need 30 set-top boxes to watch 30 sets of programs, and you only need to pay the viewing fee for 30 set-top boxes. The set-top boxes are managed together and can be shared with all guest rooms. , restaurants and other places to watch TV. In addition, if you add guest rooms in the future, you don't need to buy a set-top box, and the TV can watch digital TV programs normally. All TVs are as convenient as watching the original cable analog letters. 2. Heart: The computer room type unified management, the equipment is easy to maintain and repair, no need to re-wiring, no need to change the original line, reduce the management cost and maintenance cost, and prevent the generation of smart card theft. If there is a problem with individual programs, it will not affect the normal viewing of the TV in the guest room, and it will not need to be repaired in each guest room, disturbing the rest of the guests. ?The comprehensive document decompression password issued by the author is: lgcatv/)

