GoAsmCodeEasyWindows | 程序非源代码 2021-07-06 425 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
GoAsm 描述的简单代码
允许您编写 Windows 汇编程序应用程序
Easy Code for GoAsm 是一个方便且可靠的应用程序,它为用户提供了一个用于构建 32 位 Windows 应用程序的可视化汇编编程环境。
Easy Code for GoAsm 的界面看起来像 Visual Basic,允许您以前所未有的简单方式编写 Windows 汇编程序应用程序。
Easy Code for GoAsm 随安装程序一起分发,包括一个不错的 CD 播放器的源代码、一个完整且快速的 dll 文件中的文本编辑器(能够编写您自己的编辑器)、一个完整且出色的文本编辑器使用、文件粉碎机、MIDI 播放器和许多其他应用程序。

(Easy Code for GoAsm description
Allows you to program a Windows assembler application
Easy Code for GoAsm is a handy and reliable application that provides users with a visual assembly programming environment made to build 32-bit Windows applications.
The interface for Easy Code for GoAsm looks like Visual Basic and will allow you to program a Windows assembler application done in an easy way as was never possible before.
Easy Code for GoAsm is distributed with a setup program and includes the source code of a nice CD player, a complete and fast text editor in a dll file (to be able to program your own editor), a complete and excellent text editor ready to use, a file shredder, a MIDI player and many other applications.)


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