SystemNetwork布线123.1 | 教育系统应用 2022-09-03 62 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Contents Preface 30.1 Development of Network Use 30.2 Necessity of Construction of XX Middle School Campus Network 4 Chapter 1 Demand Analysis of XX Middle School Campus Network 61.1 XX Middle School Network Status 61.2 User Demand Analysis 61.3 Functional Requirements 7 Chapter 2 Overall Thought of System Design 92.1 Campus The composition of the network system 92.2 The general idea of ??system scheme design 9 Chapter 3 Network system design scheme 123.1 The layered design principle of the network: 123.1.1 Core layer CoreLayer123.1.2 Distribution layer DistributionLayer123.1.3 Access layer AccessLayer133.2 Integrated wiring system design 133.2.1 An introduction to the formation of an integrated cabling system 143.2.2 The standards for designing an integrated cabling system 163.2.3 An introduction to the LUCENT cabling system 173.2.4 Considerations for designing a XX middle school integrated cabling system 193.3 Network system design 22 There are too many directories to list them all. . . . . . . . . .
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