加壳the反之亦然限制 | 程序非源代码 2021-07-02 444 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
和谐以下限制:1.NAG2.加壳后程序锁定本机3.运行20分钟限制4.加壳后程序只能在与加壳时使用的同一版本操作系统运行.(XP加的不能WIN7跑.反之亦然)5.加壳后程序只能在与被加壳时使用的同一类型CPU运行.(INTEL加的AMD不能跑.反之亦然)6.其他限制(NOT ALL)

(Harmonize the following restrictions:1.NAG2. The program locks the machine after packing3. Run 20 minutes limit4. After the packer, the program can only be run on the same version of the operating system as the packer. (XP plus cannot run on WIN7. Vice versa)5. After being packed, the program can only run on the same type of CPU used when being packed. (AMD with INTEL cannot run. Vice versa)6. Other restrictions (NOT ALL))


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