(Telecommunications Industry - System Integration Solutions 87
This document includes the following attachments:
10.XX Computer Internet Phase 4 Expansion Project.doc
10. ATM Backbone and Fast Ethernet Switching to Desktop Design Scheme.doc
12. XX169 User Management, Billing and Settlement System Recommendation.doc
13. XX Hotline Phase IV Project Network Layer Expansion Plan.doc
13. XXX establishes ICP network.doc
14. XX merged into 169 local network proposal.doc
14. Standard microwave access scheme.doc
15. XX Information Industry Co., Ltd. Billing Core Solution.doc
163 Network topology.doc
169 User Management Program Documentation and Database Design.DOC
16, 169 User management program documentation and database design.doc
17. SS7's scheme for integrating voice network and data network.doc
18. Office automation system design of XX Dacheng Telecom Bureau.doc
19.169 Proposal for expansion of multimedia public information network
1. XX Data Communication Network-IP Partial Technical Response.doc
1. The second phase expansion project of the public computer Internet backbone network.doc
20. Telecom 97 Software Technical Recommendation v4.doc
23. Road and Road Transport Information Group.doc
2. Comprehensive building of remote hub building of XX Telecom Bureau
2. The overall plan of the three-network networking.doc
2. XX Enterprise IP Specification.doc
2. 163 billing system scheme.DOC
3. Description of XX Middle School Network Structured Cabling System.doc
3. XX data network BN router.doc
3. XX Computer Internet Fourth Phase Expansion Project Technical Proposal.doc
4. XX Data Network - Project Management and Technical Services.doc
4. XX163 Phase IV Expansion Feasibility Report.doc
5. XXChinaNet-GD Phase IV expansion project network management system design.doc
6. Adjustment and expansion of the backbone network of the fourth phase.doc
6. XX163 Phase II Expansion Bidding Document.doc
7. XX169 technical advice.doc
7. X-Lingtong Phase 5 Expansion Project Design VPDN.doc
8. XX Public Information Service Desk Project Final.doc
8. XX163, 169 Network Technology Adjustment Scheme.doc
9. XX Internet Phase III Expansion Project Plan.doc
Chinanet Routing Policy.doc
Chinatnet routing policy ip
SS7's scheme of integrating voice network and data network.DOC
169 User Management, Billing and Billing System Recommendations.doc
Information Industry Co., Ltd. Billing Core Solution.doc
Hotline Phase III Project Network Cutover Implementation Plan 1.DOC
Hotline and 169 local network interconnection scheme.doc
Hotline Phase IV Project Network Layer Expansion Plan.doc
Internet Backbone Network Phase II Expansion Project Plan.doc
Mobile Internet 517 Implementation Plan.doc
The first phase of the mobile communication wap business implementation plan.doc
Netcom sdh equipment coordination solution.doc
Netcom operation and maintenance support system.doc...)