the进程Injector复选框 | 程序非源代码 2021-07-02 487 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
在加载的进程中运行代码似乎只有工程师才能做到,但在编程和应用程序开发中,这种称为注入的技术并不少见。 DLL 注入可以通过第三方程序完成,在能够执行此任务的程序中,您可以找到 Injector。该软件以简单的方式工作,其外观非常符合视觉方面。一个简单的窗口使用户可以选择动态链接库并通过几次点击加载它。一旦选择了 DLL,当前正在运行的进程列表就会变为活动状态。其余的操作很容易猜到,因为您所要做的就是勾选将要注入库的复选框附近的每个复选框。从与其关联的进程中删除动态链接库只是一项简单的任务。通过取消选中这些框,DLL 将从这些进程中弹出。该列表默认设置为自动刷新,但此选项也可自定义,因此您可以手动扫描新启动的进程。 Injector 提供的有关该列表中项目的信息很少,因为您只能看到图像名称和进程标识符 (PID)。总而言之,可以肯定地说,该应用程序提供了一种将 DLL 附加到正在运行的进程的非常简单的方法。该操作非常简单,经验不足的用户也可以尝试,但该技术有利于真正需要使用此代码注入程序的专家用户。

(Running code inside a loaded process may seem something that only hackers do, but in programming and application development this technique, called injection, is not uncommon. DLL injection can be done by means of a third-party program and among those able to carry out this task you can find Injector.This software works in a simple manner and its looks are very much in concordance with the visual aspect. A simple window enables users to choose the Dynamic Link Library and load it with a couple of clicks.As soon as a DLL is chosen, the list of currently running processes becomes active. The rest of the operation is quite easy to guess, as all you have to do is tick each checkbox near those in which the library will be injected.Removing the Dynamic Link Library from the processes it is associated with is just a simple task. By unchecking the boxes, the DLL will be ejected from those processes.The list is set to automatic refresh by default, but this option is also customizable so you can manually scan for newly started processes. The information Injector supplies concerning the items on that list is scarce, as you can only see the image name and the process identifier (PID).To sum things up, it's safe to say that this application provides a very straightforward way of attaching a DLL to a running process. The operation is simple enough for less experienced users to try, yet the technique favors expert users who really need to use this code injection procedure.)


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