W32DasmDasmALPHA2.35 | 程序非源代码 2021-06-27 485 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
ETU-Dasm v2.35 ALPHA 中文乱码问题!(替代 W32Dasm 的另一重量级静态反汇编工具),用过 W32Dasm 的人都知道,这是一款重量级的静态反汇编工具。而我要推荐的这一款绝对不亚于 W32Dasm,它就是 ETU-Dasm v2.35 ALPHA 汉化版,只可惜网上至今找不到一款能完美支持简体中文字符串的版本,搜索字符串和查看资源菜单显示的都是乱码,希望哪位老大帮忙解决一下这个问题,造福一下大众。

(ETU-Dasm v2.35 ALPHA Chinese garbled problem! (Another heavyweight static disassembly tool that replaces W32Dasm), anyone who has used W32Dasm knows that this is a heavyweight static disassembly tool. And the one I want to recommend is absolutely no less than W32Dasm, it is the ETU-Dasm v2.35 ALPHA Chinese version, but unfortunately I can’t find a version that can perfectly support simplified Chinese strings. Search for strings and view The resource menu displays garbled characters. I hope which boss can help solve this problem and benefit the public.)


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