the如何Xboxand | 软件工程 2021-06-27 528 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
这——这就是 Andrew “bunnie” Huang 的 Hacking the Xbox 所体现的态度——就是很多人最初进入计算机行业的原因。这些人喜欢把东西拆开,弄清楚它们是如何工作的,然后让它们服务于原本不是为它们设计的目的,并与其他志同道合的人分享新发现。当然,Huang 的书是关于如何将 Microsoft 的游戏机变成高性能、通用且价格低廉的个人计算机,并且其中包含大量有关如何将大肆宣传的 Gizmo 组合在一起的详细信息。但是您可以在 Web 上获取技术资料。 Huang 的工作的价值在于,他传达了将 Xbox 拆开的纯粹乐趣,弄清楚它是如何工作的——尽管它有许多内置的反恶意功能——并让它做新的事情。这本书读起来就像是 17 世纪发现之旅的日记。这些页面中有大量关于如何拆卸和逆向工程电子产品的信息,Huang 很小心地向您展示了您需要哪些工具以及如何使用它们(如果您不知道如何使用它们,请不要担心)烙铁——这里有介绍)。还有几个项目的分步指南(配有照片),以及对 Xbox 社区关键人物的采访。 --David Wall 涵盖的主题:如何享受 Microsoft Xbox 游戏机,而不会像玩电子游戏那样无聊乏味。本书向您展示了如何打开 Xbox,对其进行修改(从装饰性的 LED 颜色更改,到安装新电源,再到添加 USB 连接器),以及如何进行所需的更改以在其上运行 Linux。在此过程中,读者将接受逆向工程电子电路以及基本电子技术(焊接、压接等)和管理恶意活动的知识产权法方面的教育。

(This—this is the attitude embodied in Andrew “bunnie” Huang’s Hacking the Xbox—is why many people first entered the computer industry. These people like to take things apart, figure out how they work, and then let them serve a purpose that was not originally designed for them, and share new discoveries with other like-minded people. Of course, Huang's book is about how to turn a Microsoft game console into a high-performance, general-purpose, and inexpensive personal computer, and it contains a lot of detailed information on how to put the hyped Gizmo together. But you can get technical information on the Web. The value of Huang's work is that he conveys the sheer joy of taking the Xbox apart, figuring out how it works — even though it has many built-in anti-malware features — and letting it do new things. This book reads like a diary of a journey of discovery in the 17th century. These pages have a lot of information on how to disassemble and reverse engineer electronic products. Huang is very careful to show you which tools you need and how to use them (if you don’t know how to use them, please don’t worry) soldering iron-here are Introduction). There are also step-by-step guides (with photos) for several projects, as well as interviews with key figures in the Xbox community. --Topics covered by David Wall: How to enjoy the Microsoft Xbox game console without being as boring as playing video games. This book shows you how to turn on the Xbox, modify it (from the decorative LED color change, to install a new power supply, to add a USB connector), and how to make the required changes to run Linux on it. In the process, readers will be educated in reverse engineering electronic circuits and basic electronic techniques (welding, crimping, etc.) and intellectual property laws governing malicious activities.)


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