TorchSoft Registry Workshop 是一款高级的注册表编辑工具,能够完全替代 windows 系统自带的 regedit 注册表编辑器。除了regedit的特性外,registry workshop 提供许多其他功能提高注册表编辑操作效率:能够剪切,复制和粘贴注册项和键值名,还可以进行撤销和重做操作;能够快速地查找和替换所需注册项,键值名和字符串;允许编辑注册表文件同系统自带的注册表编辑器一样;并且提供容易使用和灵活的收藏夹功能。

(TorchSoft Registry Workshop is an advanced registry editing tool that can completely replace the regedit registry editor that comes with windows system. In addition to the features of regedit, the registry workshop provides many other functions to improve the efficiency of registry editing operations: it can cut, copy and paste registration items and key names, and can also undo and redo operations; it can quickly find and replace what you need Registration items, key value names and strings; allow editing of registry files the same as the registry editor that comes with the system; and provide easy-to-use and flexible favorites functions.)


上一篇:CppDLLv1.0 帮助生成.h,.def以及.lib的工具
下一篇:010 Editor v4.0 All License Type KeyMaker && Patch