The布线wiringand | 家庭/个人应用 2022-08-29 94 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
综合布线的性能价格比是极高的,从技术与灵活性角度看,主要表现在以下几方面: (1)?采用标准的综合布线后,只需将电话或终端插入早已敷设在墙壁上的标准插座,然后在同层的弱电井配线间隔(用户只租一层的状况)的跳线架做相应跳接线操作,就可解决用户的需求。 (2)大厦的使用者当需要把设备从一个房间迁移到另一层的房间去,或者在一个房间中增加其它新的设备时,同样只要在原电话插口作简单的分线管理,然后在同层弱电井的配线间和总设备间做跳线操作,很快就可以实现这些新增加的需求,而不需要重新布线。 (3)如果采用光纤、超五类或三类线缆混合的综合布线方式,可以解决诸如三维多媒体的传输和用户对ISDN、ATM的需求,可以实现大厦与未来全/球信息高速公路的接轨等具有前瞻性的需求。

(The cost-performance ratio of integrated wiring is extremely high. From the perspective of technology and flexibility, it is mainly reflected in the following aspects: (1) After using standard integrated wiring, it is only necessary to plug the telephone or terminal into the Standard sockets, and then do the corresponding jumper operations in the jumper frame of the weak current well wiring interval on the same floor (the user only rents one floor), which can meet the needs of users. (2) When the user of the building needs to move the equipment from one room to another room, or add other new equipment in a room, he also only needs to do simple branch management at the original telephone jack, and then in the same By doing jumper operations between the wiring closet and the main equipment between the low-level low-current wells, these newly added requirements can be quickly realized without the need for rewiring. (3) If the integrated wiring method of optical fiber, super five or three types of cables is used, it can solve the transmission of three-dimensional multimedia and the user's demand for ISDN and ATM, and can realize the integration of the building with the future global/global information highway and other forward-looking needs.)


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