设计designnetwork时钟 | 家庭/个人应用 2022-08-29 181 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Huawei's PTN bearer network design documents, including: 1. Introduction 62. Mobile bearer network networking 62.1 Overview 62.2 Network hierarchy 72.3 Network Topology 82.3.1 Backbone aggregation layer networking diagram 82.3.2 Connections Networking in the Ring (Example) 82.3.3 Network Types 92.4 Device Features 92.5 Device Information 112.5.1 Bearer Network Device Types and Distribution 112.5.2 Bearer Network Device Board Types and Port Resources 113, Naming Conventions 123.1 Overview 123.2 Subnet Naming (Area name) 123.3 Site naming (Network element name) 123.4 Service naming 134 Network management and DCN design 134.1 Overview 134.2 NMS description 134.3 DCN networking connection 154.4 Network management DCN network design 184.5 NE ID, IP design 194.5.1, NE ID design 194.5.2 NE IP address design: 205 Service and traffic design 215.1 Overview 215.1.2 Traffic and bandwidth analysis 225.1.3 Service design 235.1.4 MPLSTunnel, PW, Ethernet private line service, CES service resource estimation 255.1.5 End-to-end End-to-end Ethernet service configuration example 265.1.6 End-to-end CES service configuration example 305.2 Link design 325.2.1 Physical link and port design 325.2.2 Design principles: 336 Reliability protection design 35 APS protection 36 LAG protection 41 Huawei PTN core nodes/points Ethernet LAG protection is recommended between RNC and RNC: 43 Ethernet LAG protection is recommended between Huawei PTN aggregation landing nodes/points and OTN: 43LAG configuration design principles44TPS protection44LMSP protection46Clock synchronization design47Clock overview and building technology47NodeB Overview of Clock Synchronization with RNC: 47 Overview of Clock Synchronization in PTN Bearer Network 48TD-SCDMAamp<imgsrc="static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif"smilieid="9"border="0"alt=""/>TN End-to-end clock solution of bearer network 48 Example of clock synchronization of CES service of BTS Clock Solution Examples 53 QOS Design 54 QoS Overview 54 QoS Introduction 55 QoS Configuration Design 57 Service Interconnection Solution 60 Maintainability (OAM) Design 60 Security Design 627 Network Evolution Design 637.1 Overview 637.2 Network-Wide Clock Evolution to 1588V2637.3 Service Evolution Solution 647.4 DCN Network Management Evolution scheme 677.5 Emergency protection scheme when equipment is paralyzed 67 Restrictions and limitations 68)

