布线Integratedwiring综合 | 家庭/个人应用 2022-08-29 71 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Integrated wiring is a newly developed engineering technology. It involves many theoretical and technical issues. It is a new multi-disciplinary field, and it is also the product of the close combination of computer technology, communication technology, control technology and building technology. Integrated wiring is the basis of an integrated network system. It can support the transmission requirements of data, voice and images, and is a support environment for computer networks and communication systems. At the same time, as an open system, integrated wiring also provides a strong guarantee for the access of other systems. An advanced integrated wiring system can not only support general voice and data transmission, but also support a variety of network protocols, interconnect equipment from different manufacturers, and adapt to various flexible and fault-tolerant networking schemes. Understand the concept of integrated wiring and the formation of integrated wiring systems; understand domestic and international standards for integrated wiring; master the characteristics of commonly used materials in integrated wiring systems and the use of each material, and be able to select these materials based on actual conditions; can basically understand the structure of integrated wiring systems, Can tell the relationship between the various subsystems of the general wiring. . . . . . . .
This document includes the following attachments:
Task 10: Integrated wiring wiring termination.ppt....)

