(There is a common way to drastically increase the security of a server, and that is clustering. With the development of server hardware systems and network operating systems, cluster technology will gradually improve in terms of availability, high reliability, and system redundancy. The future cluster can rely on the cluster file system to achieve global access to all files, devices and network resources in the system, and generate a complete system image. In this way, the cluster file system allows any user (remote or local) to access the software, no matter which server in the cluster the application is on. Any user program can access any file in this cluster. Even when the program is moved from one node/node to another, the program can access files on the system without any changes
This document includes the following attachments:
Cluster Introduction.doc
Configuring SQL2000 Cluster.doc
Configure U8 Cluster.doc
Configure win2000 cluster.doc
Configure win2003 cluster.doc\....)