插件plugin受虐狂and | 程序非源代码 2021-06-23 364 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

如您所见,此版本已经支持插件。 新的插件界面与旧的 (v1.10) 类似,但不向后兼容。 它包括 350 多个 API 函数、60 个左右的变量以及许多需要记录的枚举和结构。 这将需要一段时间,因此我决定进行初步发布。 它包括插件头文件(plugin.h)和注释书签源代码(bookmark.c)。 在没有文档的情况下编写自己的插件是一种纯粹的受虐狂,但至少您将能够分析界面的结构并将您的意见、愿望和建议发送给我。

(As you see, this version already supports plugins. New plugin interface is similar to the old (v1.10) but is not backwards compatible. It includes more than 350 API functions, 60 or so variables and many enumerations and structures that all need to be documented. This will take a while, therefore I decided to make a preliminary release. It includes plugin header file (plugin.h) and commented bookmarks source code (bookmark.c). Writing your own plugins without the documentation is a pure masochism, but at least you will be able to analyse the structure of the interface and send me your comments, wishes and suggestions.)


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