
BugChecker 是用于 Microsoft Windows 2000 和 XP 操作系统的单主机内核调试器。 “单主机”意味着调试器和被调试对象(在这种情况下是整个系统,包括内核、hal、设备驱动程序和用户应用程序)可以在一台机器上调试,而无需第二台计算机运行调试器应用程序。 “内核调试器”,顾名思义,是一个允许“跟踪”系统内核内部、设置断点等的程序,就像调试普通用户应用程序时所做的那样。

(BugChecker is a single-host kernel debugger for the Microsoft Windows 2000 and XP operating systems. "Single-host" means that the debugger and the debuggee (in this case the whole system, comprehensive of the kernel, hal, device drivers and user applications) can be debugged on a single machine, without the need of a second computer running the debugger application. "Kernel debugger", as the name suggests, is a program that allows to "trace" inside the system kernel, setting breakpoints and the like as you would do when debugging a normal user application.)


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