SectionEquipmentRequirements机房 | 土木工程 2022-08-26 53 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Although it is the 2005 version, it is still in use now. Children's shoes who plan to do mobile projects in the future can take a good look at Chapter 1 General Provisions 3 Chapter 2 Computer Room Environment Requirements 4 Chapter 3 Basic Requirements for Racks 6 Chapter 4 Equipment Machines Rack installation and placement standards 7 Section 1 Requirements before equipment installation 7 Section 2 Rack reinforcement and shockproof 7 Section 3 Equipment rack installation 7 Section 4 Peripheral terminal equipment 8 Section 5 Cable routing rack (cabling trough Road) 8 Chapter 5 Cable Requirements for Equipment Room 9 Section 1 Signal Cable Layout Requirements 9 Section 2 Power Cable Layout Requirements 9 Section 3 Pigtail Layout Requirements 10 Chapter 6 Label Specifications 12 Section 1 Cables Label Format 12 Section 2 Equipment Labels 15 Chapter 7 Equipment Room Management Requirements 16 Section 1 Equipment Room Safety Guarantee 16 Section 2 Equipment Room Power Safety 16 Section 3 Equipment Room Fire Protection 17 Section 4 Equipment Room Management System Requirements 17 Section 5 Equipment Room Data Management 18)

