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(Structured cabling system (that is, a network cabling system that can support voice/data/graphics and images selected by users) provides a perfect physical link platform for its intelligent realization. The general goal of building construction is: to integrate with high performance With the support of wiring system, a modern and intelligent building including a multi-purpose office automation system can be built, which can adapt to the increasingly developing electronic requirements of office business. So as to realize the complete set of on-demand control of the building's electrical, fire prevention, security, monitoring, computer communication, etc., to achieve resource sharing and external information exchange. The design scope includes the office area, management area and other public areas of the entire building. It is required to adopt an advanced, mature, reliable and practical structured wiring system, and the program-controlled switch system and computer network system in the building shall be wired and managed in a unified manner, so that the entire building can be managed in a unified manner. The building becomes a flexible and easy-to-expand intelligent building system that can meet the high-speed information transmission in the future. Based on the specific conditions of this project, it meets the conditions for the system to be incorporated into the structured cabling system: (a) the distance from the equipment port to the terminal port of the Category 5e horizontal cable does not exceed 90 meters; (b) high-speed, large-bandwidth transmission is adopted medium, the bandwidth of data transmission can reach 622Mbps in the horizontal area; (c) it has certain anti-electromagnetic interference characteristics and anti-electromagnetic radiation leakage performance; through the design and positioning of information endpoints and PDS wiring support, the system can obtain a fairly sound "information highway". "Network system, with the help of powerful tools of computer network services, improves the efficiency and level of scheduling and administrative management. It also provides a good internal environment and smooth external connection facilities for the building complex.)

