Theautomatically自动布线 | 家庭/个人应用 2022-08-26 50 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(The detailed diagram of integrated wiring makes the integrated wiring more intuitive and easier to learn. Including various introductions such as environment, planning, reality, principles, etc. The first environment chapter, the second planning chapter, the third reality chapter, the fourth chapter, the last chapter, the smart home scene - 6:30 in the morning, preset on DVD and audio The "Wake Up Song" in the middle of the house wakes up the owner, the lights gradually turn on, the coffee pot in the kitchen automatically boils water, and the microwave oven automatically bakes bread. By the time the owner finished washing up, steaming coffee and bread were waiting. The curtains have opened automatically, and the sun shines into the house. ——At 7:15 in the morning, the owner went out to work and set the home safety work procedure to the "defense" method. The home control system automatically turns off unnecessary lights and dangerous equipment, the thermostat automatically adjusts to save energy, and if the weather is fine, the system automatically irrigates the lawn. ......
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User Integrated Wiring Manual.doc....)

