SoftwarePassport使用软件and | 程序非源代码 2021-06-14 357 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
Armadillo v8.00 Public Build Cracked,SoftwarePassport 通过将软件包裹在一个安全的数字“安全信封”中来保护软件,防止对软件进行未经授权的更改并防止电子眼窥探您的代码。 如果您选择使用它,它还为您提供了一个完整的现成注册系统,其中包含无法伪造的密钥。 作为额外的好处,SoftwarePassport 会压缩您的程序,通常会使其更小且加载速度更快,并且还增加了其他功能,例如自动网络许可。 它易于使用,不需要对您的程序进行任何更改,并且可以使用生成 32 位 Windows EXE 文件的任何语言。

(SoftwarePassport protects software by wrapping it in an armored digital "security envelope," preventing unauthorized changes to the software and keeping prying electronic eyes out of your code. It also gives you a complete ready-made registration system with keys that cannot be forged, if you choose to use it. As an added bonus, SoftwarePassport compresses your program, usually making it smaller and often faster to load, and adds other abilities as well, such as automatic network licensing. It's easy to use, requires no changes to your program, and works with any language that produces 32-bit Windows EXE files.)


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