逆向工程recompilationengineering编译 | 其他书籍 2021-06-11 463 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
Decompilation Injection,本文提出了一种保护 .NET 程序集免遭逆向工程和重新编译的新方法。 通过向它们注入仅在重新编译阶段激活的命令,应用程序可以追溯检测逆向工程过程并对其采取行动。

(This paper presents a novel way to protect .NET assemblies against reverse-engineering and recompilation. By injecting them with commands that are activated only at the recompilation stage, the application retroactively detects the reverse-engineering process and acts upon it.)


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