caseIntelliSense82262010 | 程序非源代码 2021-06-08 288 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
Visual Assist X 1822,General releaseRelease notes:
•VA suggestion list is invoked instead of default IntelliSense when typing the scope resolution operator after a class name, e.g. Foo:: (case=9) 9154
•VA Parameter Info tooltip is dismissed when backspacing over the opening parenthesis. (case=42352) 9482
•VS2010: Eliminated "Cannot set allocations" error experienced by some users on IDE startup. (case=39412) 9331, 9308, 9212
•VS2010: Fixed case in which VA interfered with IntelliSense listboxes displayed outside of editor windows. (case=43213) 9500
•VS2010: Fixed brace and reference highlighting issue in multibyte character files on non-English systems. (case=41798) 9393
•VS2010: Fixed C++/CLI namespace suggestions problem with Get Content from Default IntelliSense enabled. (case=42349) 9482
•VS2010: Corrected XAML IntelliSense issue. (case=42354) 9481


上一篇:RealVNC 4.5.3 汉化版