the移植DebuggerCoreInte调试器 | 程序非源代码 2021-06-05 324 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

此调试器的主要目标之一是将调试器核心与您看到的显示隔离开来。接口是用QT4编写的,因此源代码可移植到许多平台。调试器核心实际上是一个插件,特定于平台的代码被隔离为几个文件,移植到一个新的操作系统需要移植这些文件并实现一个实现“DebuggerCoreInterface”接口的插件。此外,由于插件基于qpluginapi,并通过DebuggerCoreInterface对象进行工作,因此它们几乎总是可以移植的,只需简单的重新编译。到目前为止,我编写的唯一一个不需要重新编译就可以移植的插件是heap analysis插件,因为它具有高度系统特定性。

(One of the main goals of this debugger is isolation of the debugger core from the display you see. The interface is written in QT4 and thus source portable to many platforms. The debugger core is actually a plugin and the platform specific code is isolated to just a few files, porting to a new OS would require porting these few files and implementing a plugin which implements the "DebuggerCoreInterface" interface. Also, because the plugins are based on the QPlugin API, and do their work through the DebuggerCoreInterface object, they are almost always portable with just a simple recompile. So far, the only plugin I have written which would not port with just a recompile is the heap analysis plugin, due to it's highly system specific nature.)


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