classThe函数MFC | 软件工程 2021-06-04 518 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
MFC类库详解 chm,该MFC参考含盖了Microsoft基本类库中的类、全局函数、全局变量和宏的内容。

(MFC class library explains CHM in detail. The MFC reference covers the contents of class, global function, global variable and macro in Microsoft basic class library.
The "class hierarchy diagram" in the reference is to find the base class of a class conveniently.
This MFC reference usually does not describe functions or operators that pass through inheritance. For information about these functions, please refer to the base class information of the class in the class hierarchy diagram. The description documents of each class include: the general description of the class, the types of class members, and the basic uses of the member functions, overloaded operators, or data members.)


上一篇:The IDA Pro Book. chm