Decompiler编译7.7变量 | 程序非源代码 2021-06-03 356 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
VB Decompiler Pro v7.7,引用VB反编译器v7.7已经发布(06.10.09)
-现在完全支持Windows 7
VB.Decompiler.Pro.7.7.RETAIL.INCL\ u KEYGEN-FFF:

VB Decompiler v7.7 has been released (06.10.09)
What's new in this version:
- Two types of "Decompile from VA" in .NET (IL and ASM decompile)
- Obfuscator modified for stop false alarms on AV
- New version of Show References plugin. More fixes
- Language autodetection for decompiled VB file (you don't see "???" in code anymore)
- Detecting names of public variables in classes
- Decompiling access to public variables from one class to another
- Database for VB5 updated
- New options window
- Windows 7 fully supported now

VB.Decompiler.Pro.7.7.RETAIL.INCL_KEYGEN-FFF :)


上一篇:UnPacker v1.0
下一篇:FastScanner v3.0 Final