Windows过滤器filters可以 | 程序非源代码 2021-06-01 442 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
Filter Monitor 1.1.0,这个实用程序可以列出内核模式过滤器,也可以注销它们。例如,监视的过滤器是注册表过滤器、创建进程和线程通知。FilterMon同时适用于x64和x86,它应该可以在从Vista RTM到Windows 7 RTM的所有Windows系统上工作。不过,我只在x64上的windows7rtm上测试了它,我不能保证它在Windows的未来版本上工作,因为它严重依赖于系统内部构件。

(This utility can list kernel mode filters and also unregister them. Monitored filters are, for instance, registry filters, create process and thread notifications. FilterMon comes both for x64 and x86 and it should work on all Windows systems from Vista RTM to Windows 7 RTM. However, I only tested it on Windows 7 RTM on x64 and I can't guarantee that it will work on future versions of Windows as it relies heavily on system internals.)


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