编辑器文本EditorText | 程序非源代码 2021-05-28 328 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
超级文本编辑器(Boxer Text Editor),这是一个强力的文本编辑器,支持语法加亮、打印、列块、UndoRedo、表达式搜索和替换等,尤其适合于程序员、学生、工程人员。试用了一下,功能超过以往任何一款文本编辑器,强大无比!!!甚至超越UltraEdit 32强文本编辑器!

(This is a powerful text editor, supporting syntax highlighting, printing, column block, undoredo, expression search and replacement, especially suitable for programmers, students and engineers.

Try it out. It's more powerful than any other text editor in the past!!! Even beyond UltraEdit 32 strong text editor!)


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