SecureCRTAndTelnet位图 | 程序非源代码 2021-05-17 322 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
具。通过使用内含的VCP命令行程序可以进行加密文件的传输。有流行CRT Telnet客户机的所有
义的键位图和优良的VT100, VT102,VT220和ANSI竞争.能从命令行中运行或从浏览器中运行.其
它特点包括文本手稿、易于使用的工具条、用户的键位图编辑器、可定制的 ANSI颜色

(SecureCRT is a terminal emulator that supports SSH (ssh1 and SSH2), telnet and Linux
Rlogin protocol. SecureCRT is an ideal tool for connecting remote systems running Windows, UNIX and VMS
It's a tool. The encrypted file can be transferred by using the VCP command line program. There are all kinds of popular CRT telnet clients
Features, including: automatic registration, keeping different characteristics for different hosts, printing function, color setting, variable screen size, user defined
It can be run from the command line or from the browser
It features text manuscripts, an easy-to-use toolbar, a user's key bitmap editor, and customizable ANSI colors
Secure CRT's SSH protocol supports DES, 3DES and RC4 passwords and password authentication with RSA.)


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