Windows枚举进程heaps | 程序非源代码 2021-05-03 383 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
ProcHeapViewer ver 1.0 Windows,这是在windows上枚举进程堆的工具。它使用了比较慢的Windows堆API函数更好的技术,这使得它更快、更高效。您可以枚举正常Windows进程以及系统服务中的堆。对于任何参与分析进程堆的人来说,它都是非常有用的工具。漏洞研究人员可以将其用作发现堆相关漏洞的辅助工具。

(This is the tool to enumerate process heaps on windows. It uses much better technique than slower Windows heap API functions which makes it faster and efficient. You can enumerate the heaps from normal Windows processes as well as system services. Its very useful tool for anyone involved in analyzing process heaps. Vulnerability researchers can use it as a side tool for discovering heap related vulnerabilities.)


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