calculation函数查询query | 程序非源代码 2021-04-26 468 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
Super Knife V1.01,程序员常用工具,ASCII码查询,字符计算,地址计算,数值计算,API函数, MFC函数, VB函数查询,PE文件节表,引入表查询,RVA与文件地址转换, 进程信息,可以对计算机当前的进程信息与加载DLL模块的相互查询,备份。系统安全等。

(Super knife v1.01, common tools for programmers, ASCII code query, character calculation, address calculation, numerical calculation, API function, MFC function, VB function query, PE file section table, import table query, RVA and file address translation, process information, can query and backup the current process information of the computer and the loaded DLL module. System security, etc.)


上一篇:Super Knife V1.02
下一篇:DummyExplorer & source(for epe)