SWF文件filescan | 程序非源代码 2021-04-15 314 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
Action Script Viewer 5.01,是.SWF反编译器和资源提取器,能让你查看SWF文件里面的动作脚本;能让你抽取位图、音频、视频、字体等原始文件;能让你浏览SWF文件的内部架构;能帮你重建SWF的FLA文件,导出SWF的原始资源文件和一个JSFL命令。

(ASV is a Win32 SWF decompiler and resource extractor for Macromedia Flash 3, 4, 5, MX/6, MX2004/7 SWF files. With ASV you can decompile SWF files and see the actionscripts in a Flash compatible, compilable format. You can also browse the internals of a SWF with a timeline view and context sensitive preview, you can view instance names, frame labels etc. All symbols can be extracted as SWF files. All bitmap and sound resources can be saved as JPG/PNG/MP3/WAV files, font symbols can be saved as TTF files. ASV also creates a JSFL rebuild command to give you a head start when reconstructing the FLA for a SWF)


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