WiFitechnology技术 | 邮电通讯系统 2022-08-02 81 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(With the gradual maturity of Wi-Fi technology, various Wi-Fi terminals on the market, such as notebook computers, PDAs, dual-mode mobile phones, game consoles that support Wi-Fi, and digital cameras that shoot and transmit, appear everywhere. also getting lower. Compared with several other wireless communication technologies today, Wi-Fi technology has obvious advantages. Compared with 2G/3G, Wi-Fi bandwidth is 10 times that of 3G, and the network resources are much cheaper than 3G. WiMax technology is ahead though.)


上一篇:MTK Touch panel Driver(MTK平台触摸屏驱动)