
(Huawei eNSPV100R002C00B350 enterprise data communication simulator (in addition to update the components) May 16, 2014 Huawei official update release! Take advantage of the following software components of the latest version: 1.VirtualBox-4.3.12-93733-Win2.Wiresharkv1.10.7forWinx86643.WinPcapv4.1.3Update description: BUG modification: 1. The problem of incorrect status when modifying the VRRPMD5 authentication method of the switch. 2. Modify the problem that the switch cannot enable the interface loopback view. 3. Modify the problem that when the ARIPSEC configuration security protocol ah-esp or esp is not authenticated, the message does not pass through. 4. When modifying the combination of policy routing and NAT, the problem of packet failure.)

