Registry注册表KeysThe | 程序非源代码 2021-04-03 315 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
Registry Trash Keys Finder (version 3.7.0),注册表垃圾键查找器(TrashReg)是一个高级注册表清理工具。RTKF的主要功能是允许从Windows注册表中删除不必要的键。许多程序将键留在注册表中,甚至在使用程序本身提供的卸载工具删除程序之后也是如此。RTKF允许您决定是删除还是保留找到的密钥。

Registry Trash Keys Finder (TrashReg) is an advanced Registry cleaning tool. The main function of RTKF is to allow the removal of unnecessary keys from the Windows Registry. Many programs leave keys in the Registry, even after programs removal using an uninstallation facility provided with the programs themselves. RTKF allows you to decide whether to delete or leave the keys found.)


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